I love coffee and I love coffee shops even more. I love their fancy atmosphere, the aroma of the freshly ground coffee beans…hmmm… As I write this, I am sitting at my long wooden gleaming kitchen table, enjoying a sip of my black coffee. The coffee carefully brewed using my French Press with boiling water and heaped spoons of my favorite coffee brand.

I have fancied working in a coffee shop, brewing and serving coffee. Even cleaning and maintaining the sparkling stainless serving counters. The cups and spoons… Its a dream from several years. Something I am not sure I might even take up in real life. Why?

I have an alternate career…hmm. I have worked for Fortune 100 companies all my life, in software development, product management. Coffee shops and product management seem a bit far away.. Well, are they really? A lot of business could happen over a cup of coffee…

When I was growing up, I wrote diaries. I wrote them every day and wrote them most years during my middle school. Well, this is self expression but the audience is limited. It would be just me or anyone in my family that chanced on it. Today my self expression is in my whatsapp  groups . Unleashing my random thoughts and opinions on unsuspecting family and friends. I am finding this limiting too now.

So this fine Friday evening, I have decided to start my own blog. Enjoy folks!